Homegroup sessions

a Possible World - Christian Mission Society

In the fortnightly homegroup sessions hosted by father John, we talked about how we could be a prophet, inspired by the Possible World sessions designed by the Christian Mission Society.

In the first of the sessions – Jesus – a Prophet, Me a Prophet? We looked at situations in our daily lives that we could influence for the better and the power we could weld by first identifying them and seeking to change them.

A Prayer for Modern Prophets..

Dear Lord, thank you for bringing us together with this opportunity to consider how we can be an instrument in your vision for a better world.

In this time of unprecedented change here in the UK, in Europe and the US, help us to step up and be an influence for good starting from our corner of the world, to our local communities and thence to the world as a whole.

Help us to see, that a gathering however small, can still make a difference, if only to help us be an anchor in uncertain seas for ourselves and those around us. Help us be a part of the churches increasing significance in a world where other institutions prove less fit for purpose.

Help us be a prophet, as you shine your light upon us, and let us be the change we want to see. Through the efforts of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
