Youth trip to Iona Island
A transformative journey for the young people of South London This summer we are supporting 20 young people from south...
A transformative journey for the young people of South London This summer we are supporting 20 young people from south...
At St Paul's Church Lorrimore Square
Saturday 28th July at 12:30pm Our annual barbecue is a great time to get together, enjoy each other's company and...
Saturday 13th July 2024 The annual TRA Summer party will be happening this Saturday 13th July in Lorrimore Square. There...
Saturday 27th July Experience a spiritual moment in Rochester Cathedral and visit a spectacular church that has been celebrating Christian...
Sunday 17th July 2024 Collect Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things: grant...
Dear All, Our new curate Father Wayne was ordained at Southwark Cathedral this morning. His first service with us will...
Sunday 30th June 2024 "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed.." She heard about...
St Paul's Church members revisited the Worth Abbey monastery in Crowley, Sussex. We spend a delighted pilgrimage and retreat in...